Dental Practice Marketing


Dental Practice Marketing


Whether your practice just opened or has been around for 45 years, we all need marketing! There are so many dentist offices just within 10 miles, how do you stand out from the rest? Creating an account on social media platforms is a great way to start; Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn. The easiest way to create posts is through Canva, with its easy and ready-to-use templates. When setting up your Canva account, go ahead and create a brand kit, this will include your color scheme, fonts you’d like to use, logos, and photos. Now that you have your accounts ready to go, let's get started on key components to remember when creating content!


Consistency is Key


We’ve all heard it before and it is true, consistency is key! Posting daily will help your profile keep popping up and remind your recurring and new patients to schedule their appointments with you! The best way to stay consistent is by scheduling posts and creating a marketing calendar. Sit down every month and thoughtfully plan out and schedule all your posts. You will be greatly surprised to see how little time and effort this takes with big results!


Be Authentic with Your Patients


Your patients want to see the real you! That may be showing a day in the life, showcasing your staff, doing a Q&A, or maybe a behind-the-scenes of your office, they want to see it all!! When being authentic, it shows your patients you are more than their dentists and you truly care about them. 


Showcase Everything You Have to Offer


Showcase all your services to your patients, this will keep them invested. You can do this by showing patient testimonials, before/after photos, items you may sell, and maybe even throw in a giveaway or two. Giveaways are a great way to gain new patients by asking your followers to tag a friend or two in the comments. This will start a chain effect by getting your new followers to tag more friends! 


Be Informative


You may be thinking, why would my patients want to know more about a root canal? Believe it or not, they do!! Your patients want to hear it directly from you, not Google. When hearing it from you, there's a sense of trust and ease. Some are terrified to come to their appointment, especially when needing an extensive procedure. Seeing a play-by-play can help ease those scary thoughts. 




Marketing will help grow your practice when done thoughtfully and effectively. While it may seem intimidating at first, it is extremely beneficial. Maybe you don’t have time or don’t know what to post, but that’s okay!! There are so many marketing firms and freelance marketers who can help and work within your marketing budget. Just remember, when it comes to marketing, you get out what you put in!

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